This study chiefly sought to evaluate the role of Radio Benue in the protection of sexual rights of adolescent girls in Makurdi, Nigeria. To attain the main objective of the study, the researcher employed the survey research design, which allowed for sampling of required information from the respondents. Based on concrete findings the study found that Radio Benue programmes content is one that could help in protecting the sexual rights of adolescent girls in Makurdi metropolis. Findings also showed that Radio Benue programmes have significant influence on the protection of sexual rights of adolescent girls in Makurdi metropolis. It was also found that Radio Benue’s role in the protection of sexual rights of adolescent girls in Makurdi metropolis is hindered by passion to protect family name and image, inadequate funds to do programmes to protect sexual rights of adolescent girls, illiteracy or ignorance among the intended audience(adolescent girls, religious doctrines, power supply, insincerity of law enforcement agents, insincerity of law enforcement agents, corruption among some law enforcement agents, and hoarding of needed information.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Paul Tersue IORLAHA
Doom Grace Kutim
Donald Torngu Iorlaha

Number of pages:


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Media, communication

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