Endodontic peri radicular surgery is the treatment of choice to manage tooth roots and associated pathosis, when non surgical root canal treatment has been unsuccessful or is not feasible. The purpose of retrograde filling is to provide an apical seal to an otherwise obturated root canal, or to improve the seal of an existing root canal obturation. The basic purpose of retrograde filling material in conjunction with apical surgery is related to the under standing that periapical pathosis and endodontic failure are usually caused by irritants within the root canal.The choice of root end filling material thus becomes one of the many factors relevant to the success of the endodontic surgery. The prognosis ultimately depends upon various factors like the correct bevel, adequate access, hemorrhage control, correct retrograde filling and preparation, quality of retrograde filling and individual host responses.This book is an attempt to comprehensively review and record the various retrograde filling materials of the past, present and future in an exhaustive yet succinct manner.
Book Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-620-8-43018-4 |
ISBN-10: |
6208430186 |
EAN: |
9786208430184 |
Book language: |
English |
By (author) : |
Sonam Yadav |
Number of pages: |
96 |
Published on: |
2025-02-13 |
Category: |
Dentistry |