Curriculum Construction in the Indonesian Pesantren

Curriculum Construction in the Indonesian Pesantren

A Study of Curriculum Development in Two Different Pesantrens in South Kalimantan

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-03-02 )

€ 68,00

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This book is about the process of curriculum development in two different pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools) in Indonesia. Pesantren is regarded as an indigenous educational institution in the country which characterizes itself with a unique approach to the schooling system. The strong charisma and power of the kyai (grand principal), the obedience culture of his santris (disciples), the application of Islamic values in their daily life, and their ability to adapt to changes are amongst the characteristics of pesantren. Pesantren constitutes a sub-culture within the whole of Indonesian culture. This book, in short, describes the dynamic process at the two different--traditional and modern--pesantrens in developing their own educational curriculum, programs, and instruction. It further depicts the embedded and unique culture, beliefs and values overwhelming the interactions amongst the pesantren community. This book in many ways is distinct from other works on Indonesian pesantren.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Raihani, PhD

Number of pages:


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Education, Occupation, Career

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