Discussing Moudawana

Discussing Moudawana

Perspectives on Family Code Reform, Gender Equality and Social Change in Morocco

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-04-28 )

€ 49,00

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Gender equality and women's rights in Muslim societies continue to be a topic of heated debates. In Morocco, past decades have witnessed some considerable changes to women's legal position, the most significant change being the reform of Family Code in 2004. Among the important changes is the restrictions on polygamy, protection of wife from unilateral repudiation from husband's part, raising the minimum legal age for marriage from 15 to 18 and giving right to a woman to marry without an authorisation of her parents. Moroccan Family Code, based on Islamic Sharia law, is now said to be the most progressive family law in the Arab world. How these reforms are perceived by the Moroccans themselves? Are they only cosmetic changes or can we observe a more profound transformation of mentalities in Morocco? Basing on author's fieldwork in Morocco and in-depth interviews with men and women of different backgrounds: students and professionals, the study opens up new perspectives on gender equality on Arab Muslim societies.

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By (author) :

Anna Virkama

Number of pages:


Published on:



Research on Woman and gender

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