Assessment of the use of ICT in the financial sector

Assessment of the use of ICT in the financial sector

A case study of Mozambican banking system

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-07-15 )

€ 68,00

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Development in information and communication technologies (ICTs) has accelerated the implementation and widespread use of electronic tools and techniques in various types of business. ICTs have been used extensively by organisations to improve operational efficiencies leading to improved performance. However, the concept of using information as a strategic resource emerged when information technology (IT) significantly started altering the way businesses competed and when substantial investment in IT became long-term and recurring (Kanungo and Chouthoy, 1998). According to Mody and Dahlman (1992), IT can be used strategically to create new products, enter new markets, and other timely services. They also suggest that if used strategically, IT reduce unit costs of operation. Essentially, this occurs through the reduction of processing time, lowering transaction costs, inventory costs, and small material wastage. The financial sector and banks in particular, have become primary users of ICTs. As Pennings and Horianto (1992) put it, commercial banks have become major users of information technology, such as computers and telecommunications.

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By (author) :

Flatiel Fabião Vilanculos

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National economy

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