LGBT Youth Human Rights

LGBT Youth Human Rights

Protecting the Human Rights of LGBT American Secondary School Students

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-08-14 )

€ 68,00

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LGBT Youth Human Rights “This comprehensive study demonstrates the necessity of acting on many fronts to address the discrimination and violence that LGBT youth face. Its information, critiques and insights can be used to develop effective strategies, meaningful policy and supportive programs.”-Ann M. Francis, Ph.D., Member Executive Committee, American Friends Service Committee, Great Lakes Region. “Educators and consumers serious about safe schools issues need this book. Addressing equally the post-Columbine landscape and deeper influences in the very fabric of American society. Larney focuses on bullying—experienced by actual and perceived LGBT youth—that has the potential for ruining lives and fomenting violence in school-age populations.”-Florence McArdle, Ph.D., School Psychologist. “As a mother of three school-aged boys, the degrading labels I hear of that are used by the school bullies are almost always homophobic. Protecting LGBT students, actual or perceived, is of greater urgency than our educators would have us believe. This book should inspire others to make this political struggle more visible and supported in our schools.”-Katy Shotton, Piedmont, California

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Marjorie Larney

Number of pages:


Published on:



General Social sciences

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