Christina Reid's Plays: National Identity Problem in Northern Ireland

Christina Reid's Plays: National Identity Problem in Northern Ireland

“Tea in a China Cup” “Did You Hear the One About the Irishman…?” “Joyriders” “The Belle of the Belfast City” and “My Name, Shall I Tell You My Name?”

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-02 )

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Based on Christina Reid’s five Plays,the aim of this study is to put under discussion the idea that the sectarian conflict between the two ethno-religious communities in Northern Ireland is maintained deliberately and a national identity unique to the people in this country cannot be constructed at least in the near future. Both factions try to adhere themselves to a national identity through their communal ideology.The Protestants claim that they are part of Britain,while the Catholics claim that they are members of Irish Nation. This situation has led to reluctance in both communities to stop the conflictual circumstances encouraging both groups to tether to their traditions more intensely,to contribute to the otherization process reinforcing their social identity and to impose their working ideology on their new members whose divergence from traditions will definitely pose a threat to their identity.Also,in this country the forgetting/remembering process is orchestrated by the two communities to enlarge the intercommunal chasm through the narration of the old stories and memories,creation of stories,commemoration activities and museumizing certain objects.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Bedrettin Yazan

Number of pages:


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General Social sciences

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