The church''s role in social healing and reconciliation in Zimbabwe

The church''s role in social healing and reconciliation in Zimbabwe

Finding a deeper theology of the church through the National Vision Discussion Document (NVDD) in Zimbabwe

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-23 )

€ 59,00

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This book looks at the church’s understanding of, and how it can practically engage in, national reconciliation. It builds a deeper theology of reconciliation that appreciates critical social analysis and deeper theological reflection. The study builds on studies done in Croatia and South Africa, and uses the National Vision Discussion Document (NVDD) of Zimbabwe to enter the discussion. From a detailed analysis of the social context of division in Zimbabwe to the churches’ approach to reconciliation, this book takes time to critically reflect on important factors such as ethnicity, racism and politics from a theological perspective. At the end, the book suggests that a new future for Zimbabwe that severs the ordeals of the past from the prospects of the future is built on a practical and logistical schema that appreciates social dynamics and theological interests of the society.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Gift Masengwe

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology