Publishing in international journals

Publishing in international journals

Armenian scholars' difficulties

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-09-16 )

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The book describes the study which investigates the problems Armenian scholars face when they try to publish in international journals. Ninety six researchers of the three branches of the National Academy of Sciences participated in the study: the Branch of Natural Sciences, the Branch of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences and the Branch of the Humanities. The main difficulties of Armenian scholars are language proficiency and lack of material resources. In spite of the increasing number of publications in English,the majority of publications are still in Russian,which shows the on-going link between Russian and Armenian scientific communities. However, it is mainly the older generation of scholars who consider publishing in Russian important. No young scholar mentioned Russian as an important language to publish in. The results of the study also show that senior researchers in Armenia are not at an advantage in comparison with junior researchers when they attempt to publish in international journals.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Taguhi Sahakyan

Number of pages:


Published on:



General and comparative linguistics