AI-Powered Marketing: Dominate Social Media & Digital Marketing

AI-Powered Marketing: Dominate Social Media & Digital Marketing

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-04-22 )

€ 43,90

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As you navigate the ever-shifting digital marketing landscape, "AI-Powered Marketing: Dominate Social Media & Digital Marketing" serves as your comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. This book dives deep into the potential of AI, empowering you to craft data-driven strategies that will leave your competition in the dust. Imagine creating high-quality, engaging content at lightning speed, understanding your audience on a deeper level than ever before, and delivering personalized experiences that resonate with each individual. AI makes all this possible. The book equips you with the knowledge and tools to leverage AI for content creation, social media listening, and hyper-targeted advertising. You'll learn how to analyze mountains of data to uncover real-time insights, allowing you to tailor your messaging with laser focus and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact. AI-powered marketing isn't just about automation and efficiency, although it excels in those areas.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Geerthik S.
P. Arockia Mary P.
Jagadeeswari S.

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career