Properties of blood and microcirculation of a liver and kidneys

Properties of blood and microcirculation of a liver and kidneys

An experimental thyrotoxicosis

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2017-11-06 )

€ 23,90

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Presently the etiology of the DTG can't be considered as finally found out. In pathogenesis of this disease the leading role, undoubtedly, belongs to violations of immune system. When performing this work we sought to track the nature of vascular disorders at various stages of a hyperthyrosis, interrelation of the revealed defeats of the microvascular course of a liver and kidneys with violations of rheological properties of blood, to define character and degree of vascular system. We believe that the received results expand and deepen the available ideas of pathogenetic bases of development of a thyrotoxicosis, the hyperthyrosis states will serve the bases for clarification of a role of rheological violations and microcirculator frustration, and in pathogenesis, will give an idea of a condition of membranes of erythrocytes as main component of uniform elements of blood and its value in development of rheological violations. The obtained data offer the prospects of development of the new approaches of correction directed to stabilization of membrane structures, the main components of the microcirculator course about also developments of new modern methods of treatment.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Dildara Yuldasheva

Number of pages:


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