LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2016-04-12 )
€ 54,90
This book is designed as a reference for the undergraduate,postgraduate students and research scholars . This may also help the computer professionals to implement the RSA algorithm with feed forward neural networks. Here, the neural network approach has been attempted to encounter the RSA problem. Our experience with this approach is that it is possible to train feed forward neural networks to tackle RSA problem. The network used here for implementation of RSA is multi layer feed forward neural network which is based on back propagation concept. The work includes the evaluation which is done on multi layer neural network by varying its various parameters like number of layers, number of neurons in each layer, learning rate, learning algorithm and number of samples.
Book Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-3-659-86842-9 |
ISBN-10: |
3659868426 |
EAN: |
9783659868429 |
Book language: |
English |
By (author) : |
Somesh Kumar |
Number of pages: |
116 |
Published on: |
2016-04-12 |
Category: |
Informatics, IT |