Heart In Teaching: Attending the Pathic

Heart In Teaching: Attending the Pathic

An inquiry into the Pedagogical Significance of Educators'' Lived Experiences of Heart in Teaching

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-18 )

€ 79,00

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Heart in teaching: Attending the pathic focuses on a determination and explication of the pedagogical significance of teachers'' lived experiences of meaningful relationships as developed within the transactional curriculum of the classroom. An analysis of teacher anecdotes and narratives reveal the deep commitment which teachers have to heart in teaching by attending the pathic through the auspices of pedagogical love, a deep sense of personal and professional calling, and a soulful connection with students. Heart in teaching is a re-membering of the experiential nature of the human body in relationship with self, with Other, and with the life-world in social, cultural, and educational milieus. It impels teachers to abandon any tendency to minimize the pathic as a mode of non-cognitive knowing in teaching and learning in order to maximize the gnostic as a mode of cognitive knowing. For those teachers who daily experience heart in teaching through attending the pathic it is an invitation and an opportunity to reassert connection to the convocation of life and living in education.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Blaine E. Hatt

Number of pages:


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