Dealing with China

Dealing with China

U.S. Higher Education Faculty perceptions on International Engagement and Globalization

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 21.08.2009 )

€ 49,00

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The world is at a stage where new realities require people to understand the interconnectedness of world systems as well as different values and points of view. The current world-wide financial crisis is an example of how we live in an ever more inter-connected world. Within this context, this book explores U.S. higher education faculty perceptions of China and international engagement through an ethnocentric lens. International engagement by U.S. institutions of higher education contributes significantly to increased national awareness of cross-national similarities and differences, and to opportunities for peaceful coexistence among world nations. As the pace of globalization continues to increase, the ability of each nation to adapt will depend, in part, upon how well its system of higher education addresses the challenges and opportunities of globalization. The analysis from this book should be helpful to global education practitioners and administrators in their drive for change in international and global education. It should also be useful for the Chinese education policy-makers to understand where U.S. faculty stands with respect to Sino-U.S. exchanges and partnerships.

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Kitabın dili:



Yongsheng Sun

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Yayın tarihi:



Eğitim, Hobi, Kariyer

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