Knowledge management in sub-Saharan Africa government agencies:

Knowledge management in sub-Saharan Africa government agencies:

The case of Kenyan government-owned organizations

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-10 )

€ 79,00

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Knowledge management (KM) has been burgeoning in importance during the last one and half decades. Both profit making and non-profit making organizations have had to continue to embrace and practice KM. This study was set with the broad aim of investigating the practices, procedures and challenges of managing knowledge in government agencies in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Objectives of the study were: to assess the extent to which government-owned organizations in sub-Saharan Africa practice knowledge management; find out the extent to which the organizations are “learning organizations;” establish how the organizations determine the knowledge they require and the formats in which it should be delivered; find out whether and the extent to which individual organizational members in the organizations are motivated to contribute to knowledge creation and sharing; and discover the major managerial challenges and problems that the government-owned organizations in SSA face in managing knowledge. This is an important study for researchers, academics and those charged with formulating and implementing public policies in SSA.

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By (author) :

Ezra Ondari-Okemwa

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