Ethics and Organisational Culture

Ethics and Organisational Culture

Integrating Ethics Into Organisations

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 15.09.2009 )

€ 49,00

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Worldwide there has been a growing interest in business ethics as corporate scandals like Enron and WorldCom has tarnished the reputation of many organisations. To avoid or at best manage this type of scandal this empirical study highlights the importance of an ethical culture. It examines the components (code of ethics, ethics training and enforcement mechanisms) of corporate ethics programmes most commonly used to integrate ethics into an organisation’s culture. This highly readable book with its solid research basis also explores the communication channels organisations use to communicate ethical standards to employees, as this needs to be effectively communicated when integrating ethics into an organisation’s culture. In this book the following are focused on: •The components of corporate ethics programmes that are the most useful to integrate ethics into an organisation’s culture. •The extent to which different industries and different sized organisations find certain communications channels as more useful than other channels when informing employees about ethical information.

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By (author) :

Liza Nel
Prof. Pieter S. Nel
Dr. Andries J. Du Plessis

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