Emotional Wellbeing of Mature Female Students with Children

Emotional Wellbeing of Mature Female Students with Children

A study into the Mental and Emotional Health Needs of Mothers with Young Children in Higher Education

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-22 )

€ 49,00

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The increased participation of women in general and of mature women in particular in higher and further education is evident. If all members of society are to achieve health in its widest sense and lifelong learning is to be truly available for all, the particular educational needs of individuals and groups of learners at all levels will need to be considered. This study aims to consider the mental and emotional health needs of one group that of women with young children. The book explores issues of pastoral support, motivation and balancing the demands of children, domestic duties and study. It also considers the effect of organisational issues and the design of the curriculum. Anyone working in the further or higher education sector needs to be aware of the social and emotional aspects of learning for all their students. Those interested in the field of mental health and emotional health will be interested in the effect of education on wellbeing.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Stephanie Ward

Number of pages:


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