Attention to Romantic Alternatives

Attention to Romantic Alternatives

Internet Daters and Traditional Daters Compared

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-10-02 )

€ 49,00

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Consistently, attention to romantic alternatives has been linked to levels of commitment among couples. With the advent of Internet dating, it is necessary to extend current theories of commitment into the realm of online relationships. Specifically, it is important to detect any differences between Internet and traditional daters on levels of commitment, and, more importantly, on attention to romantic alternatives. Given the paucity of research on this topic, it is essential to understand this phenomenon better. This book, therefore, provides a unique look into the relationships of traditional and online daters and how each dating modality affects the respective relationships. This was accomplished by comparing traditional and online relationships across a variety of self-report measures. This analysis should help shed light on the future of dating and the type of impact it will have on the fundamental nature of romantic relationships and should be especially useful to professionals in Psychology, Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, any other field that studies romantic relationships, as well as purveyors and utilizers of Internet dating sites.

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By (author) :

Jared Detter

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