Meanings of education

Meanings of education

Boundaryless career success of young graduates

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-10-04 )

€ 49,00

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In today''s world, there is a growing interest in graduate employment and how to enhance graduates'' employability. It is widely accepted that tertiary education is an important instrument of economic competitiveness in a global economy that is knowledge driven. People vary in the amount skills and knowledge they have available to spend in the work place and education is an important predictor of occupational success. Using the more recent career paradigm of the boundaryless career, this book therefore provides a view on the influence of aspects of the learning experience on the boundaryless career success of young applied science graduates. Concepts derived from Eby et al. (2003) and Vermeulen and Schmidt (2008) are used to analyze graduates between the ages of 20-29. This analysis helps to create more insight in the early career success of the workforce and is particularly interesting for professionals in Education and Human Resource Management fields, or anyone else who may be considering utilizing the learning experience of students for career enhancing efforts.

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By (author) :

Charissa Tjon Affo

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