Adaptive Application-Specific Instrumentation and Control Microsystems

Adaptive Application-Specific Instrumentation and Control Microsystems

MotorControllers, BioAcquisition Systems and Energy Cells Balancers

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-10-19 )

€ 68,00

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Many applications in motorcontrollers, bio-acquisition systems and energy cells balancers require reconfigurable and adaptive architectures to mitigate environmental perturbations in real time. The complexity of designing such systems is challenging, requiring robust architectures. This book provides a multimode paradigm, such that performance parameters can be adjusted using closed loop adaptation driven on sensory data from the environment. It presents mixed signal integrated System-on-Chip microsystems, which combine on-chip reconfigurable and adaptive circuit capabilities to deliver precise control signals to driver networks/electrodes. A broad applicable concept, is demonstrated by realizing controllers for surgical robots that provide performance metrics needed to manipulate delicate tissues while minimizing damage during minimal invasive surgery. Also, a single-chip/biochip for biosignals like EEG (brain), EOG (eye), ECG (heart), EMG (muscle) and neural recordings, and precision analog front-ends that support cells monitoring, variation detection, overcurrent protection and equalization are presented. The book is written for professionals and the entire academic community.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ndubuisi Ekekwe

Number of pages:


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Electronics, electro-technology, communications technology