Protein Sculptures

Protein Sculptures

Life''s Building Blocks Inspire Art

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-03-01 )

€ 49,00

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The work presented in this thesis paper plays on the sensuality and beauty which underlies sense and being itself. I take a literal look at the foundation of our physical existence by creating sculptures of proteins, the universal parts of the machinery of life. More important for me than accurately copying a molecule in all its details is finding a guiding principle and following it to see whether it yields artistically interesting results. The main idea underlying all my protein sculptures is the analogy between the technique of mitered cuts and protein folding. I feel I am closer to nature if I apply its algorithmic quality than if I just copy its appearance. My work is quite literally algorithmic because I calculate my cuts from scientific protein data using a computer program I wrote. Beside this deterministic side of my work, there is an equally strong intuitive and irrational side, where my pieces stop working as scientific models and become pure art objects. My sculptures offer an emotional experience of a world that is usually accessible only through our intellect.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Julian Voss-Andreae

Number of pages:


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