Strategic Performance Measurement in Organizations

Strategic Performance Measurement in Organizations

Balanced Scorecard and The Selection of Performance Perspectives to be Measured in Thai Organizations

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-01-04 )

€ 79,00

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The need for today''s management to pay more attention to the effective measurement of an organization''s performance to ensure future attainment of its objectives, or of the matters management want to see improved in their organization, is evidenced by two developments in the field of management. Firstly, faced with the criticism that traditional performance measurement frameworks for organizations focus only on measuring financial results and do not provide a holistic picture of an organization''s performance, several performance measurement frameworks that focus on measuring both financial and non-financial results were developed. Secondly, there has also taken place the development of management processes to help practicing managers to introduce, design, use, and revise performance measurement frameworks so they may be applied effectively in their organizations. The second development is the main focus of this book, which concerned with the Thai organizations and their use of balance scorecard. The book also presented the selection of performance perspective that are to be measured in those participating Thai organizations.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Noppadol Mingchinda

Number of pages:


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