Job Satisfaction in Teachers

Job Satisfaction in Teachers

Qualitative Comparison of Language School Teachers in Portugal and the Czech Republic

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-26 )

€ 49,00

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Recently a lot of attention has been paid to teachers and how they perceive their occupation. The book focuses on various job satisfaction influences in language school teachers in Portugal and the Czech Republic. The teachers in Portugal have been found to draw the most satisfaction and dissatisfaction from situations connected with students. The Czech teachers, however, included other factors such as extrinsic rewards, classroom management, teaching method, and so forth. When given the chance to include more influences contributing to their career satisfaction, the teachers were found to give similar answers which could be grouped to four factors with similar relative frequency of answers in each group of teachers in both Portugal and the Czech Republic. The publication should shed some light on cultural differences in language schools in Portugal and the Czech Republic and should be useful to directors of studies or other people involved in the educational system.

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By (author) :

Jana Jancova

Number of pages:


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Practical psychology

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