Mixed-Domain Simulation and Wafer-Level Packaging of RF-MEMS Devices

Mixed-Domain Simulation and Wafer-Level Packaging of RF-MEMS Devices

An Itinerary through Two Key-Issues for the Successful Exploitation of RF-MEMS Technology

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-04 )

€ 79,00

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The exploitation of MicroElectroMechanical-Systems for Radio Frequency applications (RF-MEMS) has been attracting the interest of the Scientific Community through the past decade, because of its potentialities in terms of high-performance and large reconfigurability it can enable in transceiver platform (e.g. in satellites, radars, mobile phones). This work addresses two critical issues leading to the successful exploitation of RF-MEMS technology, namely the modeling of their multi-physical behaviour (electromechanical and electromagnetic) and the packaging/encapsulation of such devices to enable their operability and integration with standard technologies. The first issue is addressed with the development of MEMS behavioural compact models, allowing fast and accurate simulations within commercial IC development frameworks. The packaging issue is treated by discussing several technology solutions and focusing on the Wafer-Level-Packaging approach. This book provides the reader with useful and practical information on the modeling, simulation and integration of RF-MEMS, and it is particularly suitable for Scientists, Researchers, Designers and Technologists in the RF-MEMS field.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Jacopo Iannacci
Roberto Gaddi

Number of pages:


Published on:



Electronics, electro-technology, communications technology

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