Development of Public and Private Higher Education in Pakistan

Development of Public and Private Higher Education in Pakistan

How to improve access related systems in universities in Islamabad, Pakistan

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-25 )

€ 68,00

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The book examined the issues of access in public and private higher education institutions in Islamabad, Pakistan. The policies and institutions currently in place to deal with access related issues are not effective, therefore, not providing students with the support systems to help them succeed at the institutions of higher learning. Continuous planning, support and development needed to provide higher education is discussed. In addition, the book discussed opportunities and challenges experienced by students before entering university, processes involved entrance at the university and after arriving at the institution. Moreover, similarities and dissimilarities between public and private institutions are also discussed. The book makes suggestions to improve access related systems to help students be successful and the need and ways how can they be further developed and strengthened is also discussed. The hope is that this research will contribute to well in-formed policy making that takes into account the complexities of the forces that shape higher education and the development of Pakistan.

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By (author) :

Majid Khan

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