Teaching English to Very Young Children at Home

Teaching English to Very Young Children at Home

Guideline not just for Parents

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-25 )

€ 59,00

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The discussion about the early foreign language instructions is very "hot" nowadays. Psychologists and teachers undertake many researches on this question. Nevertheless, this book is not written to judge their opinion or results from some researches. My work brings the positive and negative aspects of teaching very young children and the main aim is to come with the proposal on possible education at home. My work should serve as a guide-book. It is written mainly for people who consider home teaching of foreign language and want to know more about this area. In spite of the fact that the following pages describe teaching of English, the information and instructions can be adapted to any other European language. The work discusses the psychological and linguistic development of children at the age of 4 to 7 for better imagination of possible work with them. It could be thought that so young children have too much limited amount of abilities usable in foreign language lessons. But the opposite is true. This book contains many real examples of ready made activities and games.

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By (author) :

Barbora Polešovská

Number of pages:


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Kindergarten- and preschool pedagogy

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