The Ethics of Science and Technology

The Ethics of Science and Technology

An African Perspective

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-05 )

€ 79,00

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Modern science and technology have enhanced man's power of manipulating and controlling nature, of reducing drudgery and improving the quality of human life though,its uses has generated many problems. Today, the historical dialectics of science and technology are increasingly assuming paradoxical dimensions, more purposeful and purposeless, more meaningful and bizarre, and more useful and destructive. While the achievements in science and technology have served to prolong life, they have also served to provide resources for its brutal extermination. This Book argues that, a pro-active ethical approach to scientific and technological endeavours guarantees asustainable and more human friendly development. The work explicates the healing power of the science of human conduct and recommends the morality of human integration as a catalyst that conducts humanity back into its essential nature on earth, to live a life that is in harmony with other members of the biotic community. This is an African communal ethic which views man, in his existential quality as the totality of the beauty of life. It is determined by the full, integral development of the human person.

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By (author) :

Alloy S. Ihuah

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