Internationalisation of Brazilian Educational Institutions

Internationalisation of Brazilian Educational Institutions

Fundação Dom Cabral’s Case

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-14 )

€ 49,00

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In the past decades, the environment in which firms work has fundamentally changed. The same is happening in the higher education marketplace. Technology, globalisation and competition are changing its context worldwide. Furthermore, the international dimension of higher education and the rise of the knowledge-based economy are reshaping the realities of this sector. Internationalisation is inevitable for educational institutions to achieve recognition and compete globally. Due to the lack of research about the internationalisation of Brazilian educational institutions, a qualitative study based on the case of Fundação Dom Cabral will explore the development of its internationalisation strategy in the light of existent theories. Moreover, it will analyse the internationalisation drivers (enhance brand reputation to the domestic market and become an international reference in executive education) and strategies (international alliances and good use of opportunities) of a higher education institution in a developing country, aiming to enhance understanding of the internationalisation of Brazilian educational institutions and collaborates to existent internationalisation theories.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Marcelo Altoé

Number of pages:


Published on:



International economy

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