Optimization of Machining System

Optimization of Machining System

By Application of Adaptive Control Principles

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-23 )

€ 49,00

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An NC Program merely guides and controls a Machining process. It cannot respond and react to variations in machining conditions during the operation. This results in many unfavorable situations like greater lead times, tool damage, extreme caution in work handling etc. during machining. In order to overcome above mentioned problems, the concept of ADAPTIVE CONTROL MACHINING was introduced. The purpose of introducing this concept is to control and optimize the variable cutting parameters. The applications of ACM are not only limited to NC machining but such systems are designed to compensate for environment changes perceived, monitored, altered or reset according to the situation. In the present work, Adaptive Control principles are applied to TURNING and experiments are carried out on a LATHE.The specimens selected for this experiment are specially designed so that the required sources of variability are included. As FORCE IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO FEED, process is kept under control.The results shows that successful implementaion of Adaptive control principles to TURNING is aptly justified.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Srinivasa Prasad Balla

Number of pages:


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Mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology

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