The port of Rotterdam and the use of intermodal transportation

The port of Rotterdam and the use of intermodal transportation

Defining the optimal distance to the port of Rotterdam for an inland container terminal

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-10-18 )

€ 49,00

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Containers which arrive in the port of Rotterdam are transported all over Europe and vice versa. Intermodal transportation should improve transportation of goods over longer distances. This paper will try to solve the question: ‘what is the optimal distance to the port of Rotterdam for an inland container terminal?'' In doing so, first the hinterland has to be defined. Here, figures about the geographical hinterland and cargo flows of the port of Rotterdam will be shown. Furthermore, one has to have a clear perception of what exactly is intermodal transportation. A clear description of the concept with economical implications is provided in the second section. After important definitions, factors determining an inland terminal''s location will be researched, where after the optimal location to the port of Rotterdam can be decided. The study aims at providing an insight in the advantages of intermodal transportation for a seaport and is expected to provide an idea about how to decide where an inland transport terminal should be located in the optimal situation.

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By (author) :

Arnout van der Houwen

Number of pages:


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