LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2017-10-16 )
€ 64,90
Currently urbanization is a major global phenomena. Especially the cities of developing countries are under high urbanization pressure which resulted in creation or worsening of different problems one of which is housing. About 30% of urban populations in developing countries are living in slums or informal settlements which needs multiple alternative solution suited to different contexts. This book provides a unique win-win arrangement between a housing cooperative and a private developer for housing development using a case of a cooperative named ‘semy tekes’ who managed to develop a B+G+5 building located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I believe the lesson learnt will be of great importance in the global or national level efforts to address urban housing challenges for developing country cities where government has resource limitation but interested in the redevelopment of decaying inner-city areas addressing housing challenge along with.
Book Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-620-2-02131-9 |
ISBN-10: |
6202021314 |
EAN: |
9786202021319 |
Book language: |
English |
By (author) : |
Amaha Tigabu Yigzaw |
Number of pages: |
192 |
Published on: |
2017-10-16 |
Category: |
Architecture |