Medical Astrology and skin disease: Psoriasis

Medical Astrology and skin disease: Psoriasis

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2020-03-27 )

€ 39,90

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There is a good deal of misunderstanding and wrong notions about astrology, Karma etc., due partly to ignorance, partly to indifference and mainly to preconceived opinions. The philosophy of astrology has its strongest weapon as relativity and is based on the truth that ethereal vibrations extend from the Sun to the great planets and from planet to planet. All space is a network of interacting forces. Medical Astrology is Astrology at service of human beings. There are thousands of enough avenues of learning and explorations. It is a vast subject which specializes in the position, constellation and movement of the natal planets and their effect on human beings in the shape of various diseases both curable and incurable. It helps us in knowing: which are our weak organs, What kind of illness can affect us, times of potential ill health in near future and distant time, whether to be content with medicine or go in for surgery, when to have surgical operation performed, so on. Thus we found that Medical Astrology is the most exalted yet very much down to earth in its foundation and outreach.

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By (author) :

Sujata Harlapur

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