LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2023-11-21 )
€ 60,90
The commerce education system in India is one, of which contributes main contributors to the development of economic rise in India. Commerce Education is an important part of the education system. It is called as also Business Education. The commerce discipline is totally different from other disciplines in the education system in India. It is an area of education which develops the required knowledge, attitudes and skills for successful handling of trade, commerce and industry. Commerce Education serves as a catalyst for the socio-economic development of any country or region. It supplies input that enables us to meet the requirements of the present-day stiff competition business environment.The level of speed of commerce education is currently expanding in this area is in itself a testimony to its growing Acceptance as a source of awareness, development of skills prosperity and creativity which are very essential preconditions of the economic prosperity of any country.The economic environment and the WTO issues have led to sweeping transformations in all facts of trade, commerce and industry.
Book Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-620-6-16183-7 |
ISBN-10: |
6206161838 |
EAN: |
9786206161837 |
Book language: |
English |
By (author) : |
Madansing Golwal |
Number of pages: |
116 |
Published on: |
2023-11-21 |
Category: |
Management |