Congruence of and matching of NETD for UHD FPAs based on QWIPs

Congruence of and matching of NETD for UHD FPAs based on QWIPs

Matching of NETD and congruence of ultra-high-dimension FPAs based on quantum-well infrared photodetectors

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2023-04-07 )

€ 43,90

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The mosaic technology is one of the fundamental approaches for developing mosaic focal plane arrays (MFPAs) of ultra-high dimension with maximum image conversion efficiency. The parameters of infrared (IR) MFPAs are researched depending on the wavelength of the maximum spectral response of photosensitivity of multilayer structures with quantum wells, the pitch of photosensitive elements, and the format of submodules. A mosaic technology prototype with a reduced size of “blind zones” is created based on the fundamental aspects of the development of ultra-high dimensional mosaic MFPAs. Here the areas of damage on the edges of chips when be separating the wafers are minimal, and the gaps between the chips of adjacent submodules are no more than 2–3 um for different basic materials. In new technological prototypes of MFPA “blind zones” optically overlap and the maximum, ~100%, efficiency of image conversion is provided. Likewise, having in stock difference of detector and reading chips, and mosaic technology prototype may creating of thermal microimagers.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Alexander I. Kozlov
Alexey G. Kharlamov

Number of pages:


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