Online Student Success and Completion Rates

Online Student Success and Completion Rates

Understanding Online Learning Models

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-05-17 )

€ 68,00

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Online Student Success This information in this book is centered on the fact that not all online learning models are the same and not all online models produce the same student success and completion rates. Each online learning model has different student success factors associated with the "successful student." This book is an in-depth look at student success and completion rates as they apply across a range of online learning models. This is book will provide valuable insights for administrators and leaders in Proprietary Higher Education Systems and in the public and nonprofit sectors. Understanding the many factors that play into successful online learning models is the first step in improving online student persistence and retention rates. Dr. Gerry Bedore Jr is a cofounder of the Socrates Distance Learning Technologies Group, and is currently a Partner in the Higher Learning Technologies Group. Dr. Bedore serves as an Assistant Professor with a major U.S. Proprietary University and widely recognized as the designer of Socrates Standard of Excellence.

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By (author) :

Ph.D., MBA, Gerry Bedore Jr.

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Education, Occupation, Career

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