Sustainability Analysis of an Integrated Coastal Management Model

Sustainability Analysis of an Integrated Coastal Management Model

Project performance and development planning process in Indonesia

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 02.06.2009 )

€ 68,00

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It was evident that many projects aided by international agencies that are implemented in Indonesia have been ‘sun-set project’ only. Once the donor countries stop the funding, so do the projects: all the activities, the mission, and the related functions cease. In order to mitigate this, currently many Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) projects were implemented and are being implemented with an emphasis to local community participation and program sustainability through institutionalization, institutional building, and training. Among these, Coastal Resources Management Project (CRMP) has been implemented using two track approaches at both regional and village level. CRMP has built the capacity of existing institutions and created local institutions, through which the ICM program has been implemented. However, the important question is whether these institutions are likely to be sustained after the termination of the project. Therefore, this book examines the project achievement in encouraging the community to implement ICM, particularly in the development planning and to assess the institutional sustainability of ICM.

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Handoko Adi Susanto

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