Media Convergence: Effects on the Egyptian Mobile Phone Users

Media Convergence: Effects on the Egyptian Mobile Phone Users

Survey for Users, Content Analysis on AlWaseet advertisements and In-depth Interviews with Customer Care Experts

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-12-22 )

€ 79,00

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This book evaluates the success of mobile phone convergence with traditional media forms in the Egyptian society. The research was conducted as follows: - A survey passed out to the Egyptian mobile phone users in order to examine which of the services available for the mobile phone users in Egypt are actually being used, whether these services are used to satisfy individual needs and the effect mobile phones have on the other media forms. - A content analysis of advertisements in Al Waseet advertising tabloid in order to determine the importance of mobile phones in the daily Egyptian life. - In-depth interviews with mobile phone-line customer care experts in order to gather details about the mobile phone market in Egypt, determining which of the media convergence services offered by the companies are of interest to the Egyptian society determining how successful/ unsuccessful media convergence in mobile phones is.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Eiman Eissa
Hussein Amin

Number of pages:


Published on:



Media sciences