Indonesian Security A Matter of Policy and Principle

Indonesian Security A Matter of Policy and Principle

From Non-Alliance to Agreement

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-01-14 )

€ 59,00

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The Cold War played a major part in influencing Indonesia''s founding policies and principles. The decision to take a stance of Non-Alliance with either super power allowed Indonesia the opportunity to remain both free and active. Indonesia''s fore fathers enshrined the "bebas dan aktif" (free and active)principle in its constitution, this principle still remains today. Indonesia''s reputation for not taking sides or entering binding agreements was well known to all policy makers of the Asia Pacific region. When Indonesia agreed to sign a security pact with Australia in the mid 1990''s confusion about Indonesia''s policy direction was rife. Close to a decade later when Indonesia requested a new security pact with Australia policy critics once again questioned Indonesia''s motives. From Non-Alliance to Agreement seems on the surface a contradiction of Indonesia''s founding principles. However, further examination reveals Indonesia''s motives are still in line with the "bebas dan aktif" policy.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Grant Hore

Number of pages:


Published on:



Comparative and international political science