Agenda Setting Role of Media in Pakistan

Agenda Setting Role of Media in Pakistan

Exploring Media effects on Society

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-22 )

€ 68,00

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We all are having pistures of the world in our minds. We have never seen a lot of places with our eyes but even then we have their pictures in our minds. Of course, these pictures have been created by Media in our minds. Agenda Setting is one of the most important media theories of the present times. The concept of agenda setting took its name from the idea that the mass media have the ability to carry the salience of items on their news agendas and then transfer it to the public agenda. Agenda Setting theory of Media states that with the passage of time, media agennda becomes the public agenda. According to the agenda-setting theory, because of the fact of paying attention to some issues and neglecting and ignoring some others, the mass media will have an effect on public opinion. People will be inclined to know about those issues and things, which are highlighted by the mass media and they adopt the order of priority assigned to different issues. This book is based on the first ever research study coducted in Pakistan regarding the agenda setting role of Media.

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Media sciences