Designing Emergency Management Training Sessions for C3Fire

Designing Emergency Management Training Sessions for C3Fire

A Prioritization and Information Searching Perspective

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-01-06 )

€ 59,00

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C3Fire is an emergency management simulation system, used to develop team decision making skills and to provide an opportunity for researchers to perform research in a controlled (simulated) environment. Training is a crucial task for developing skills to tackle with emergency situation. The purpose of this thesis is to develop decision making skills by keeping focus on two major areas, namely; making prioritizations and searching information using UAV & Non UAV. Success of dealing with emergency management situation mostly depends on these training factors. Training sessions are designed on the basis of literature study and research work, hence capable of achieving desired goals i.e. making prioritizations & searching information during emergency situations. In this thesis, theory part discusses literature about C3Fire and theoretical framework explains different terminologies and methods used in emergency management. Training sessions and their analysis is explained using theoretical framework. Finally, these training sessions are experimented by the help of real participants(Humans) in C3Fire Simulation Lab (Linköping University, Sweden).

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Muteer Arshad
Tehman Pervaiz

Number of pages:


Published on:



Informatics, IT