An Authentication Model for Cloud Computing Application

An Authentication Model for Cloud Computing Application

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2014-03-06 )

€ 54,90

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Recently cloud computing is considered the next generation in world of the internet.The concept of cloud computing is a model for sharing resources like serves, storage, network, and application, Cloud computing made service available for customer in open environment. Thus, it is important to provide authentication to communicate through cloud. Cloud users feeling that their data will be secured and available to them. In this study, the researcher designed successful implementation of cloud authentication; when the users used the internet and before any communication across a network they need to be authenticated with the cloud. A third party is responsible to check if the user is authorized or not, after that, it gives identification to the user for safety access to the cloud. The researcher used multiple password mechanism by generating new password every log-in instead of using single password. In other words, they generated multiple passwords from one password to provide more security for the user, application, and cloud. The proposed model has been implemented on the personal cloud due to its basic structure for the other clouds deployment.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Rafal AL-Khashab

Number of pages:


Published on:



Informatics, IT

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