Artists' Satisfaction Factors Toward Their Artist Management

Artists' Satisfaction Factors Toward Their Artist Management

A Comprehensive Approach of Factor Analysis to Identify Artists' Satisfaction Factors

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-09-02 )

€ 59,00

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In Indonesia, artist management - the way agencies manage,develop and leverage their artist and their companies assets - has only recently emerged as regular knowledge which is not practically practiced in the industry. These several years, Indonesian music industry was pin-pointed in its lowest performances by critics and senior musicians. Their arguments were based on the reality of the industry which is not supportive and fair in terms of the appreciation toward artists' rights. Theses conditions stimulate various reactions from the artists and the industry toward the issue of artist satisfaction toward their management. Most music critics and magazines tried to reveal the reality with their limited access toward the source - artists and agencies. Most articles describe the main factor that affect the artists' satisfaction in the industry was fairness in artists' business-aspects appreciation. The worse scenario that could happen with that is a description of industry's reality with lack of procedural approaching method. Raymond J. Wahjoedi's work was among the first, close-at-hand, to identify the artists' satisfaction factors toward their management.

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Raymond Johan Wahjoedi

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