Trade mark Infringements in Russia v. Estonia

Trade mark Infringements in Russia v. Estonia

Is there is a need for Judicial Clarification?

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-27 )

€ 49,00

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Since both bilateral trade and direct investments between Russian Federation and Republic of Estonia are growing, both countries’ business communities are in need of clear-cut laws and regulations, governing certain aspects of business. In the light of frequent trade mark violations, this important aspect for both countries deserves a closer look. Present work will thoroughly analyse the existing trade mark laws in both countries and evaluate its application and compliance with international norms and precedent cases. The author will concentrate on Kremlyovskaya v. Kremlevka case study, as an instrumental case, exposing fundamental differences in both countries’ trade mark laws and its applications. In the conclusion, certain suggestions, based on the analysis of the case study will be proposed. This work is not meant to be a scientific, deep-knowledge legal guide, but as trade marks law probably that unique part of law being interesting for everyone, this work is aimed to those willing to get a good overview on the topic with an easy-to-understand examples and in most reader-friendly manner.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Jana Belugina

Number of pages:


Published on:



Commercial law, Business law

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