Educational Psychology: A Revisit

Educational Psychology: A Revisit

Educational Psychology: A Re-visit

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-07-02 )

€ 49,00

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This book is about Educational Psychology put into practice. Teaching is an art that requires practitioners to be well grounded in the psychology behind any learning and teaching processes. Learning is a two way process that requires the teacher to understand the learner and the learner to understand the teacher. Effective teaching therefore demands a deep appreciation of the undergirding psychology of the actors involved, the teacher and the learner. Chapter One of this book looks at the relevance of Educational Psychology to teaching and learning. Chapter Two introduces the reader to theories of learning. More precisely, the Chapter looks at behaviourist, cognitive and cognitive-social as the basic and key theories of learning. Chapter Three looks at motivation with particular focus on the factors influencing motivation, types of motivation and theories of motivation. Chapter Four looks at memory, its organisational process, loss of memory and how memory could be enhanced. Chapter Five addresses the concept of intelligence, intelligence testing, usefulness of IQ tests and limitations of such tests. Chapter Six is devoted to Special Needs Education.

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By (author) :

Taruvinga Mushoriwa

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