Efficient Design of Blast Wall Panels

Efficient Design of Blast Wall Panels

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-21 )

€ 49,00

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Corrugated panels are currently used in petrochemical facilities as an economic means to provide blast protection to personnel and other valuable assets. In this book, parametric studies were conducted on the various elements (e.g., compression flange, depth, angle of corrugation, etc.) of a corrugated blast wall using static nonlinear finite element analyses and dynamic nonlinear single degree of freedom analyses. During the static analyses, panel characteristics such as ductility and strength were explored and nonlinear load-deflection curves were generated. The load-deflection curves were then used to observe the response of each wall using a single degree of freedom time-step integration method. Results showed that some blast wall profiles have a greater ability to limit reaction loads transferred to the primary structure, reduce material cost/ panel thickness, and/or protect nearby assets. Understanding how the different elements of a corrugated blast wall affect its structural response to a blast enables the engineer to design efficient passive protection systems that dissipate blast energy efficiently.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

M. A. Faruqi
J. Grisel

Number of pages:


Published on:



Mechanics, acoustics