Economic Empowerment of Rural Women? Make Sure She Controls the Income

Economic Empowerment of Rural Women? Make Sure She Controls the Income

Harvest Time Saving

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2025-01-14 )

€ 43,90

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To build the resilience of rural households, experts have long promoted savings as a means of ensuring women's control over income and fostering empowerment, particularly at the household level. While global advocacy emphasizes micro-credit as a tool for women's economic empowerment, evidence suggests that in patriarchal communities, it can sometimes have counterproductive effects, such as increasing Intimate Partner Violence. Consequently, many women hesitate to access credit services, even when readily available, if they cannot ensure control over the credit and income generated. Tailored saving services offer a viable alternative. For rural African women, often deeply engaged in farming, interventions that consider their behavior and circumstances—such as promoting savings during "teachable moments" like crop or livestock sales, when cash flow is higher—can significantly enhance their financial independence and empowerment.

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By (author) :

Getaneh Gobezie

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Research on Woman and gender

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