Spatio-Temporal Impact Analysis of Coal Mining

A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Study in Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, India

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A Remote Vision Guidance System

Navigation System for Visually Impaired Pedestrians

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Mathematical Models of Dissolution

Stochastic models and the Fisher information concept in searching for optimal times to measure

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What Palestine Do We Teach?

The History Curriculum for Palestinian Arabs, 1861-1999

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A new way seeing genomes

Analysis of nucleotide sequences based on dinucleotide properties

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Trappings of Power, Leadership and Empire

Influence, Charisma, Dominance

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Multicultural Education

Identifying training needs of Pre-school Teachers

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Localized Genetic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem

Standardization of Divide and Conquer Strategies, Computational Comparison Rules and Complexity Estimation

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An Approach to Solve MMKP: Using Genetic Algorithm

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