Search results for: "Polymorphism of three gene affecting the performance of Kurdish Quail"

Bioecology of the invasive fruitfly Bactrocera invadens

Host range and Population dynamics in Kenya, Thermotolerance and Interspecific Competition

- ISBN: 978-3-659-13166-0

Forming the basis of human capital management

Under economic integration conditions. Translated from Russian into English by O.Zadobrivscaia

- ISBN: 978-3-659-97811-1

Oscar Wilde's Wit: The Question of Translation

A comprehensive analysis of Wilde's eccentric wit and the difficulties posed by Italian translations of his wordplay

- ISBN: 978-3-659-60710-3

Joseph Conrad and the Interaction of Men

The alienated man in search for belonging

- ISBN: 978-3-659-57419-1

An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion

A short version of the title: A Sociological study of religion

- ISBN: 978-3-8443-9611-9

H. Richard Niebuhr's The Ethics of Ecumenism

A brilliant synthesis of Christian theology and social psychology: Man-the-answerer in relation to God, neighbor & self

- ISBN: 978-3-659-97024-5

Enhancing the Efficiency of Organic Semiconductor Materials

Effect of Electron Withdrawing Groups on Structural, Electro-Optical and Charge Transfer Properties of Furan Derivatives

- ISBN: 978-3-330-03671-0