Code-mixing and code-switching by college students in Guntur

Code-mixing and code-switching by college students in Guntur

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2017-02-07 )

€ 55,90

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Languages in Contact gives rise to several sociolinguistic phenomena under which fall Code Switching and Mixing, Code Switching and Code Mixing are the inevitable linguistic consequences of Bi/Multilingualism. As the present study aims to investigate the phenomenon of language alternation exhibited in Guntur. Code mixing and switching is used as a strategy to facilitate communication. The alternate use of Telugu and English within the same discourse has a pattern. The expanding sites of interaction have exposed individuals to various new cultures and environments. The awareness of language being used, its social acceptance, its reach and availability across disciplines of study is also a contributing factor for the mixing of codes. The language contact situation between English and Telugu in the urban areas of Guntur has driven the users of Telugu to borrow English lexical items into Telugu. The different concepts specific to the socio-cultural and geographic situation of this linguistic region are effectively expressed in English. The present study explores the linguistic forms of English and Telugu code-mixing and code-switching in a bi/multilingual Guntur setup.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Swathi Bikki

Number of pages:


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English linguistics / literature science