Analysis Of Patient Satisfaction

Analysis Of Patient Satisfaction

Surveys To Identify Actions To Enhance The Food Service Operation At The Mental Health Hospital In Taif,Saudi Arabia

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2013-01-15 )

€ 49,00

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It's medically recommended for a patient to take what a dietician prescribes during confinement to hospital, as that would ensure a speedy recovery and maintain a healthier quality of life. There are several methods through which a patient can be closely monitored with regard to how he/she accepts meals prepared by hospital cuisine facility such as observatory and field surveys. The findings will be taken up to better and improve quality of service rendered to patients. In Taif Psychiatric hospital, the Middle East's largest Psychiatric facility, a long ranged study meant to stand on food quality served to patients, was conducted by the dietitians through an aid of two areas, the questionnaires and nursing. The points picked up were broken into two different segments, the patient nutrition and the quality of services in general.The study revealed there were many constructive points that can be considered for obtaining information from patients in pursuance of improving services. For example, depending on verbal questioning conducted by nurses would positively affect survey result, because of instinctual bond between a patient and his/her nurse.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Salman Aljaziri

Number of pages:


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Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition